Alexander Heust - Eva Catharina TreuschAlexander Heust, chr. 4 Mar 1685, Reincheisheim, Odenwald, Stk, H-Dr. Eva CatharinaTreusch, b. 15 Oct 1687, Pfaffenbeerfurth, Starkenbg, Hessen Their children were Eva Catharina, Hanss Adam, Anna Catharina, Johann Leonhardt, Johan Georg, Anna Margaretha, Johann Henrich, Anna Elisabeth, Agatha, Johann Philipp, Anna Eva. (all chr. Reichelsheim, Odenwald, Stk, H-Dr) John Henry Heist - Anna Catharine IlgenExtract from the Reichelssheimer Church Book: (Reichelsheim is Odenwald (Hessen) "Amts Gericht, Furth" and has population of 2034 according to a recent authority.) "John Henry Heist, lawful son of the late Alexander Heust, Mayor of Pfaffen Berfurth - "des Geist und Gerichtsherr stiffts Schultheiszen zu Pfannen Berfurth" -- was born January 20/26, 1721 and baptised January 20/26 of thesame year. His sponsor was Geore Henrich, formerly Mayor of Kirchberforth --"Gewessner Hochfurstl. Lowensteinischer Schuldheisz zu Kirch Berforth." He was married April 8, 1741 to Anna Catharine Ilgen, lawful daughter of Johann Adam Ilgen of Uttermosten. God blessed the marriage with thirteen children, ten sons and three daughters of whom nine, namely seven boys and two girls have died. There are still living three sons and one daughter. John Henry Heist died April 29, 1804, age 83 years. Anna Catharine Ilgen was born June 24, 1724, died March 19, 1811, age 86 years" On October 4, 1752, among the Foreigners Imported in the ship Neptune, Capt. John Mason, from Rotterdam and last from Cowes in England, was John Henry Heist. Henry was naturalized Sept. 10, 1761 in Philadelphia. On March 6, 1758, Henry Heist received a warrant of land from the Penns in Philadelphia County, now Montgomery Co., Pennsyslvania for 25 acres of land. John Henry and Anna Catharine's children were: Anna Margaret, Frederick, Johan Melchior, Johann, Eva Catharine and infant son all born in Germany. John George, Heinrich, Elias, Johan Phillip, Leonhart, Fridena Margreth and Johan Peter born in Pennsylvania. The infant son died at sea and was buried in Philadelphia upon their arrival in America. Johannes Heist - Anna Maria WetzelJohannes, Heist, yeoman, son of John Henry Heist and Anna Catharine Ilgen was born in Germany Feb. 23, 1749; died Dec 15, 1822; married Nov. 20, 1768 Anna Maria Wetzel, who was born March 22, 1749, and died Sept. 25, 1833 age 84 years, 6 months, 3 days; buried Sept. 27, 1833, Red Hill, Penna. She was the daughter of Conrad Wetzel and wife Anna Catharine Bayer. Johannes Heist made his will Oct. 8, 1822 in Upper Hanover Township, Montgomery County, Penna. in which he named nine children: Henry, George, Conrad, John, Peter, Magdalena, Christina, Maria and Elisabeth and his wife Anna Maria who was to have full possession of the real property, buildings, contents, the horses, cows, wagons and all the farming utensils and the interest on five hundred pounds to be paid every year as long as she lives. The nine children were to share equally after the amounts forwarded to any of them were deducted from the estate. He bequeathed to his late servant boy, Peter Reiber, the full sum of thirty dollars, to be paid to him on his arrival at the age of twenty-one years. He requested that after his death the Executors should rent out his house with the seventy acres of land to the highest bidder unless his son George "is willing to pay the same rent, then he shall have the first chance to take it." His sons Peter, John and George were appointed as Executors of the will which was proved Jan. 14, 1823. Johannes and Anna Maria had twelve children: Anna Catharine, Johannes, John Henry, John George, Maria Catharine, John Conrad, Maria Magdalena, Johannes, Mary Christyns, Anna Maria, Elizabeth Heist and Peter. |
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